Bollywood News Movies, Music, Reviews, Stars and the Gossips

Sunday, Jun 16, 2024 | Last Update : 09:44 AM IST

  News   25 May 2020


  • Big B had warned Shoojit Sircar that Amphan would be 'nasty'

    Big B had warned Shoojit Sircar that Amphan would be 'nasty'

    Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan has revealed that he had warned his "Gulabo Sitabo" helmer Shoojit Sircar two days before super cyclone Amphan struck West Bengal. The Bollywood veteran had anticipated that the cyclone is going to be "nasty".

  • Jason Derulo turns Spider-Man for TikTok challenge

    Jason Derulo turns Spider-Man for TikTok challenge

    After losing his front teeth while attempting a TikTok challenge, singer Jason Derulo, known for belting out hits like "Wiggle" and "Talk dirty", gave a superhero twist to entertain fans on the short-form content platform.